
If you are interested in applying for the PhD track, note that the Authority for Research Students has recently revised the application and admission processes. 

Admission to the PhD track in the Department of Psychology required both the approval of the department and the approval of the Authority for Research Students. 

The Department of Psychology requires that the candidate be accepted to one of the following doctoral tracks: 


The Ph.D. track at the Department of Psychology is intended for students who finished their M.A. studies (including an M.A. thesis). Before applying to the Authority for Research Students, candidates in this track must find an advisor from among the senior faculty of the department and formulate a topic for the Ph.D. thesis, with the advisor’s approval. 

The Authority for Research Students will transfer the candidate’s request for review by the Doctorate Committee of the department. The committee will make the final decision regarding admission. The committee assigns considerabe weight to the candidate’s research excellence. Successful completion of an M.A. thesis does not guarantee acceptance into the doctoral track.

The committee's decision will be sent by the Authority for Research Students. 


Notes regarding acceptance to the Ph.D. program:
· In exceptional cases, the committee will discuss candidates who have not completely fulfilled all of the requirements.

· A student who does not submit a proposal on time will leave the direct track and complete his or her studies as a Masters student.