Emeritus Staff
Prof. Emeritus Dan Hoofien
Aquired brain injury, neuropsychological and neurocognitive rehabilitation, self awareness and depression, functions of the frontal lobes
Prof. Emeritus Marsha Kaitz
Maternal behavior, intergenerational transmission of psychopathology, development of anxiety, attachment
Prof. Emeritus Israel Katz
Organizational studies, group and inter-group processes, social identity issues, change processes, leadership theory, complexity theory, postmodern theory, mythologies
Prof. Emeritus Yonata Levy
Language and reading in typically developing children and in children with neuro-developmental disorders
Prof. Emeritus Amia Lieblich
Identity and culture in Israeli society
Prof. Emeritus Anat Ninio
Syntactic development in young children, parental beliefs regarding child development and parenting
Social sciences building, 2607
Prof. Emeritus Yaacov Schul
Attitudes, judgment/decision making, person perception, persuasion/social influence, trust and distrus
Prof. Emeritus Shalom H. Schwartz
Human values, cultural similarities and differences
Prof. Emeritus Yehuda Shavit
The interactions among opiates, pain, and the immune system