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naom Markovitch

Congratulations to Dr. Noam Markovitch

24 May, 2023

For receiving the best doctoral award in developmental psychology from the APA organization!
Noam's doctorate deals with the understanding of children's differential sensitivity to the effects of the environment on their development. The work's contribution to developmental psychology is very significant, both in theoretical thought and methodological approaches.
Well done Noam!
Noam PhD supervisor, Prof. Ariel Knafo-Noam, has also won the award in the past


From acute stress to persistent post-concussion symptoms: The role of parental accommodation and child’s coping strategies

19 April, 2023

An article by PhD candidate Irit Aviv, supervised by Dr. Tammy Pilowsky Peleg and Prof. Hillel Aviezer was selected as the winner of the Eighth Annual TCN/AACN student Project Competition, from among 15 eligible manuscripts

Acute stress following mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) is highly prevalent and associated with Persistent Post-Concussion symptoms (PPCS). However, the mechanism mediating this relationship is understudied.


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Are there positive effects of having a sibling with special needs? Empathy and prosociality of twins of children with non-typical development

6 April, 2022

A new study in Child Development examined whether typically developing (TD) twins of non-TD children demonstrate enhanced empathy and prosociality. Of 778 Hebrew-speaking Israeli families who participated in a twin study, 63 were identified to have a non-TD child with a TD twin, and 404 as having both twins TD. TD twins of non-TD children (27% males) were compared to the rest of the cohort of TD children (46% males) on measures of empathy and prosociality. Participants were 11 years old. TD twins of non-TD children scored significantly higher than TD twins of TD children in a measure of cognitive empathy (d = .43). No differences were found in emotional empathy and prosociality. The specificity of the positive effect on cognitive empathy is discussed.

see full article here